5 Signs Your Loved One Has a Drug Addiction

Among Americans ages 12 and up, over 37.3 million were illegal drug users as of 2020. Over 25% have a drug disorder. Unfortunately, many people don’t know how to recognize they need addiction help.

Here are five signs your loved one likely needs drug addiction therapy. After reading this guide, you can help them seek help. Otherwise, their drug problem could end their life.

Discover the top signs your loved one needs addiction help today.

1. Withdrawal Symptoms

If your loved one tries to quit using drugs alone, they might experience withdrawal symptoms. Their symptoms can vary based on their specific drug addiction. General symptoms can include:

  • Nausea
  • Restlessness
  • Shakiness
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Runny nose
  • Mood swings
  • Changes in appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Tremors

If these symptoms sound familiar, help your loved one begin drug addiction treatment. Otherwise, they could experience seizures, delirium, and hallucinations. It’s important they begin the detox process under a medical professional’s supervision. 

Seeking addiction treatment will allow your loved one to detox safely.

2. Risky Behavior

Your loved one might begin taking life-threatening risks if they’re under the influence of drugs.

For example, they might put someone’s life in danger by driving under the influence. They might get in a crash as well.

Drug use will impact your loved one’s ability to make logical choices. Finding drug addiction treatment could save their life. 

3. Deteriorating Health

When was your loved one’s last visit to the doctor for a routine physical? Their doctor might spot signs of a drug problem before anyone else. If your loved one hasn’t visited a doctor in a while, consider any changes they’ve experienced over the last few months.

For example, you might notice your loved one has dramatically lost weight. Maybe they’ve experienced significant personality changes.

It’s essential that your loved one seeks help before their health deteriorates further. 

4. People Are Worried

Friends and family members might voice their concerns about your loved one’s behavior. They might have spotted signs of drug use, too. If people are worried, listen.

They might help you recognize it’s time for your loved one to seek drug addiction counseling.

Lean on their support during this time, too. You don’t have to go through this process alone. 

5. Their Future is at Risk

Your loved one might stop going to work or school if they’re more concerned about buying and using drugs. They could risk their financial well-being and career if they continue using.

Seeking immediate addiction help can give your loved one a chance to take control of their life before it’s too late. 

Begin on the Road to Recovery: Seek Addiction Therapy Today

Do these signs of a drug addiction problem sound familiar? If so, help your loved one realize it’s time to begin addiction therapy. Starting treatment can help them detox and heal before it’s too late.

With your support, they can begin on the road to recovery without additional bumps in the road.

Searching for addiction treatment options? We can help.

Contact us today to request an appointment.