Find Treatment for Compulsive Gambling Addiction In Or Near Riverdale, NJ


addiction counseling

Presenting New Convictions Recovery: Specializing in Gambling Addiction

Located in Riverdale, NJ, New Convictions Recovery is a counseling center of high repute, focusing on comprehensive treatment for gambling addiction. Recognized as a powerful ally in the state’s fight against gambling addiction, our center offers an array of services, from specific therapies to resource provision.

Our Team: Passionate and Committed Professionals

Our cadre of experienced counselors is dedicated to helping each client throughout the journey towards recovery. Drawing from their wealth of knowledge and expertise, they offer invaluable help ranging from initial steps, like intervention, to maintenance strategies post-rehabilitation, supplemented with vital resources and information.

Our Approach: Customized and Comprehensive

At New Convictions Recovery, we understand that every person is unique. Following this principle, we devise tailored treatment programs for each individual. Our center serves as a resolute beacon for those grappling with compulsive gambling and accompanying disorders, ensuring that every person under our care gets the treatment best suited to them.

Our Methods: Tradition Meets Innovation

We employ a mix of time-tested and cutting-edge techniques to combat gambling addiction. Our programs aim to address not just the addiction, but also any co-existing mental health or substance abuse issues. This holistic approach to recovery makes our center unique.

Tools for a Brighter Future: At New Convictions Recovery

With a single-minded commitment towards empowering those we serve, we equip individuals with all the crucial tools and resources they need for a brighter, addiction-free future. Our focus is always on offering informative and useful insights related to each client’s individual situation, which includes discussing the range of therapeutic options available, the quality of care we offer, and the valuable experience of our team.

To conclude, when it comes to catering for those wrestling with gambling addiction, New Convictions Recovery brings its unique offerings and a wealth of expertise to the fore, providing unmatched value to its clients.


An Overview of Gambling Addiction

Gambling addiction is characterised as an uncontrollable urge to gamble, despite the harmful consequences or desire to stop. This behaviour often falls under the category of behavioural addictions, likened to substance misuse disorders. The root causes vary and can include the excitement of risk-taking, the attraction of financial gain or a coping mechanism for stress. Recognition is the initial step towards owning up to the problem and seeking assistance.

Identifying Signs and Symptoms of Problematic Gambling

The inability to regulate or cut down on gambling, despite harmful results, is a common sign. Preoccupation with gambling activities and a continuous replay of past experiences are other indicators. Individuals often increase bet amounts while incurring losses with the hope of making up for these losses. Attempts to minimise or stop gambling often result in restlessness or irritability. Lies about the extent of gambling involvement and concealment of gambling activities are frequent. Financial difficulties, such as maxed-out credit cards, loans, or even theft, are common to sustain this habit.

The Critical Need for Professional Intervention for Gambling Addiction

Compulsive gambling can lead to substantial mental, financial, and personal difficulties. Professional intervention significantly enhances the prospects of long-term recovery. Specialised solutions and coping strategies are offered by therapists and counselors who specialise in gambling addiction. For those who need help with gambling addiction in NJ, reach out to the Council of New Jersey at for specialised services.

Therapeutic Strategies for Problematic Gambling

Therapies targeting the root causes and triggers of the addiction are available for individuals and groups. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) aims to tackle and alter destructive thought patterns. Medication may be prescribed to treat any associated mental health issues which may contribute to the addiction. For extensive care, consider joining a gambling addiction rehabilitation program in New Jersey.

Helpful Resources for People with Gambling Addiction

The Gambling Addiction Hotline at 609-588-5515 provides instant help and information for people in crisis. Online resources offer information, advice, and links to support networks. Local NJ centres and organisations, such as the NJ Council on Compulsive Gambling, provide therapy, programs for recovery and various services. Make use of these resources to find group and individual therapy options offered by gambling addiction counselling services in New Jersey.

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